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WATER & ACRYLICS: Why it’s Essential for Painting

Water & Acrylics: Why it’s essential for painting | How to use it, how much to use, what to use instead | How to make your own acrylic glaze

water and acrylics

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Why WATER is essential to painting with acrylics


Water is essential in acrylic painting. Water & Acrylics: Why it’s essential for painting | How to use it, how much to use, what to use instead | How to make your own acrylic glaze


Because acrylics are water-based paints. They need water to help them thin out, move around and adhere in layers.

Where people run into problems in when they use too much water. Water alone is not enough to create upscale art with acrylics. You need mediums. There are mediums for multiple uses and the trick is to find the ones that you like and use and then combine those with a little water and your paints.

If you use too much water or water alone, you run the risk of breaking down the pigments and your art will suffer.

If you watch any of my tutorials, you know I love my acrylic glazes and textures pastes. They are totally different mediums, but each work to provide the look I want to achieve in my art.

Create translucent layers with acrylics, art tutorial

Creating Transparent Layers with Acrylics – TUTORIAL

This painting was created with acrylics and acrylic glazing mediums with texture. I used this art medium as my glaze (it’s my favorite!)

If you want to create a layered painting with translucent colors (like the photo shown above), then glazes are wonderful. 

If you want to create unique textures, then you need texture paste, modeling paste or gels. You can use other items, but these are the standard.

Photo above: BLISS  – this tutorial will guide you through a large-scale artwork class creating a layered acrylic painting with translucent colors.

You can mix paint with glaze to help it thin out and work in layers. Using a little water (usually with a mister bottle) will be ideal for working with many mediums, like glazes and similar.

FLOW-AID MEDIUM: Like water?

You can also use a flow-aid medium to help mimic what water does (as far as thinning) but it won’t break down the pigments like water. Sure, it’a pricier option vs. using water alone, but if you working on higher-end art, you need mediums.

If you are just experimenting or learning, then using water can help you until you get to the point where you understand how using water alone is not your best bet.

MAKE YOUR OWN ACRYLIC GLAZE – see this post to get the “recipe” to make your own clear acrylic glazing medium

How to make your own acrylic painting glaze

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