How to paint an easy neutral abstract landscape | Step-by-step guided tutorial for beginners | Textures, Mediums, Transparencies, Acrylics
- Textures
- Working in layers – how to make transparent layers with acrylics
- How to blend for soft edges
- Using mediums
- How to create a frame around your art with paint

This simple and extremely easy painting tutorial is for all art enthusiasts out there who love painting but feel their vision never comes across on the canvas.
Fret not. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll help you create a neutral abstract landscape painting that doesn’t require many tools or paint.
We are working in layers, so for best results, you must be ready to be patient – after all, good things come slowly. Nonetheless, once you are done, it will be all worth it. I promise!
This painting tutorial will help you produce a masterpiece that has transparent depth; and that too without using thick/dark paint.
So, grab your painting arsenal, and without further ado, let us begin!
To create this neutral abstract landscape painting, you need:
Acrylic Paint
- Titanium White
- Black
- Shading Grey
- Transparent Brown Oxide – I used the Golden High Flow version
(excellent for creating washy transparent looks)
- Acrylic Glazing Medium – Satin and Gloss
- Modeling paste/heavy gel/molding paste
- Flat brush
- Mop brush
- Utility brush
- Palette knife – this is a great set and not expensive
- 8″ x 10″ canvas – get a set of assorted canvas sizes like this one
Once you have all the necessary tools ready, it’s time to tie up your apron and get started!
23 Steps to Create an Abstract Landscape Painting
Here are 23 easy steps that can help you create a remarkable abstract landscape painting:
The first thing you must do is to prepare the canvas. Take a canvas and paint it with titanium white and light grey to add a little definition. Before you move to the next step, ensure that the base color is completely dry.

Prepped canvas – one/two coats of Titanium White plus a few drops of light grey in areas (not all over). Let dry thoroughly.
#2: Once the canvas is prepped and dry, it’s time to get started. Take any brush and wet the canvas a bit. This will give you a washy layer of the landscape.

Wet with a brush
Get a set of inexpensive flat brushes, like this. They are the best for working on medium to large canvases.
#3: Next, take some shading transparent brown oxide and mix it with a bit of glaze on a palette.
Using a glaze will help you achieve an extremely translucent finish as we’re already using a translucent color with it.

#4: While the canvas is wet, start painting on one side of the canvas. The wet canvas will let the paint spread and flow easily.

#5: Once, you are done with the layer of paint, the next step is to use a mop brush to get rid of any brushstroke effects. Keep blending with a dry brush to create a seamless blend. This will help you create a nice washy landscape appearance. Ensure that you do not press the brush too hard, blend lightly.

Note: WORK WITH A DRY BRUSH FOR BLENDING – Always use a dry mop or utility brush to blend brushstrokes because once the brush gets wet it stops blending; instead merely moves paint around.
Use a mop brush like this – synthetic hair. Avoid real hair or dark haired brushes (for mops) as I find they shed a lot!
#6: Do not get swayed in adding too much color in the first application because we’ll be adding more soft-muted tones to it once the first coat dries.
(You can use whatever colors you wish; for this tutorial, I’ll be sticking to neutral tones).
LET IT DRY. So, once you have a nice washy look of the glaze and transparent brown, leave it to dry completely. Ideally, I recommend you leave it overnight, but if you don’t have the patience, let it dry for a few hours at least.

#7: Once the first application is dried, your canvas should have a very soft washed look.
Now, it is time to add the next color layer i.e., shading gray. The reason I am not using regular black or gray is that they can make your work look very dark.
#8: Put some shading gray on the palette and mix it with the satin glaze. It’s okay if your brush has some of the brown paint on it, as we’ll be creating a new color by mixing it with the old one.

NOTE – SHADING GREY: Shading gray is a transparent grey that gives your painting depth without making it appear murky, dark or chalky. It’s a great thing to have in your artist toolkit!#8: Put some shading gray on the palette and mix it with the satin glaze. It’s okay if your brush has some of the brown paint on it, as we’ll be creating a new color by mixing it with the old one.

#9: Before you start painting the shading gray, spray some water on the canvas area you’ll be working on now for the washy finish. Once you lay down the shading gray, you’ll notice that it doesn’t create a black or super dark color but rather gives a bit of depth to your work.
#10: Make sure to use light, thin layers for every application. You may feel the colors are too light –almost transparent – but when the painting is complete, you’ll get an amazing result. Just be patient and ensure every layer dries completely.

After your addition of some light shading grey.
Blended well (no hard lines or edges).
#11: Take a dry mop or utility brush again and repeat step #5.
#12: Let the application dry for at least a few hours or overnight.
#13: After few hours or the next day, take glaze on a flat brush and work on the center and bottom areas of the canvas. For this step, I have mixed some carbon black glaze and titanium white glaze.

#14: Lay down few bits of the carbon black glaze and blend for more depth (see below).
You can mix glaze with paint or use any other medium – honestly, there are plenty of ways to do it – so do what works for you.
The sole reason I am using this technique is that my tutorials aren’t just about creating beautiful art pieces. They’re more about technique, so you can either use them or just get inspired.

#15: Repeat step #5 – Blend well with a dry mop brush.
#16: Let it dry thoroughly (overnight).
#17: Once dried, add a bit of the dark grey on the corners and blend it in with a mop brush to get more depth. Let it dry again.

#18: Now, it’s time to add texture. Unlike my other paintings, for this tutorial, I decided to add the texture in the end.
Why add texture over color vs. under?
Adding texture at the end is great when you don’t want to paint over textures. It allows you to clearly see the underneath washy colors.

#19: For this purpose, you can use modeling paste, heavy gel, or molding paste for whatever texture situation you want. You can even use thick titanium white paint.
I like this one: Liquitex 5321 Professional Matte Gel Medium, 8-oz, 8 oz, Clear
Gently lay the texture down using a palette knife in sort of a horizon format to create an abstract landscape look. It does not need to be a straight line across.
You don’t necessarily have to go in a straight line while laying textures. Instead, go up and down, and have textures in different areas. Just ensure they are balanced on the canvas.
For example, if the right side has texture, but the left doesn’t, then it’ll look bad. Hence, levels should be balanced between two sides, and if you successfully achieve that, the area in between wouldn’t really catch the eye. Therefore, it should be balanced in terms of your eyes; having a straight line doesn’t really matter; balance does.
#20: Repeat step #5 – blend well with a mop brush.
#21: Once dried, add a bit more white at the top to even it out.

#22: Next, take some black paint on a paper towel and just paint the edges to create a ‘framed’ finish. Remove excess and let it dry or use a blow dryer.

#23: Tip the texture edges with a bit of black to give more depth, glaze and it’s done!

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