ACRYLIC PAINTING TIPS Blog Painting with Acrylics for Beginners Step-by-Step Abstract Painting Uncategorized

Easy Breezy Abstract Acrylic Paint Tutorial | Brush or Knife?

Acrylic Painting Tips: When to choose a brush or a palette knife (don’t ruin your brushes!)

ACRYLIC PAINTING TIPS Blog Painting with Acrylics for Beginners Step-by-Step Abstract Painting Uncategorized

A Step-by-Step Guide to Glazing an Acrylic Painting

Perfect your acrylic painting with professional gloss glazing! This simple guide will show you all the steps you need to know to achieve a perfect final result giving your painting either gloss or sheen and a beautiful luster.

ACRYLIC PAINTING TIPS Blog Painting with Acrylics for Beginners Uncategorized

Beginner Art: Acrylics vs. Oils, Watercolors

6 Reasons Beginners Should Start with Acrylics vs. Oils vs. Watercolors

ACRYLIC PAINTING TIPS Blog Painting with Acrylics for Beginners Step-by-Step Abstract Painting Uncategorized

Painting with Acrylics | Do I need to prime my canvas?

Do you need to prime a canvas before painting with acrylics? See the short and long answers (why) and what to use for affordable and higher-end projects.


Creating DIY Art: Calming Self Care

Why creating DIY art is so popular – it helps you stay calm and relaxed (and it’s fun!) 6 reasons you should pick up a paintbrush – Why it is Important and How it Can Help you! HOW TO MAKE CREATING ART A SELF-CARE PRACTICEStay calm, stay centered, relax! We cannot deny that the past […]


How to paint with acrylics: Watercolor Effects

This muted autumn abstract landscape looks like watercolor. But…it’s actually acrylics on canvas! How did I get the effect? A layer of ABSORBENT GROUND. Let dry. Then a layer of FIBER PASTE. Let dry. This will give the canvas “tooth” and some nubby texture that a wash of acrylics will flow over like watercolors! I […]

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