Help! I found a brush with dry paint in it. Can I remove it?
DRIED ACRYLIC PAINT – Is it possible to remove paint from your brushes once dried? Tip on what to try and what to do instead.
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How to remove dried acrylic paint from brushes – Can it be done?
Well, sort of.
I’ve done this too many times! I wash my brushes thinking I’ve got them all and low-and-behold I come back to my studio and find one I missed and the paint has dried. 🙁
Unfortunately, once it has really dried, there is little you can do to get it all out.
If you find a brush with dried paint that isn’t too dry (less than a few days), then you can try to soak it in some rubbing alcohol. Leave it for a day or three and then see if you can wash it out and pick out the dry paint. It’s a chore, but sometimes you can save the brush.
Most of the time, if paint has really taken hold, the brush is a goner. I try to use el cheapo brushes (like these acrylic flat brushes) so if I ruin one, no biggie. Buy a couple sets and then you will always have fresh brushes!
My really good brushes (these Mottlers) I always keep track of. These are pricey, but my favorites – they work incredibly well for laying down super smooth coats and for finishing (glazing and varnishing).
You can try to use a professional brush cleaner/restorer. I’ve had mixed results with these and find some are mostly just alcohol.
However, if you really need to save a pricey brush, it’s worth the investment to keep a bottle of this around.
Hope that helps!